If you are planning to visit Paris in the year 2024 for the Paris Olympics, it is crucial to know how to communicate during your trip. There are two primary methods for mobile connectivity: mobile technology such as the native SIM and the eSIM technology. In this blog post, we will have a look at the pros and cons of each option to assist you in making the right decision.

What is eSIM?

An eSIM is an electronic SIM as the name suggests that is pre-installed on your device in a digital form rather than a card. This technology is implemented in most of the contemporary smartphones and devices. For more information on how eSIM works please click here.

What is a Traditional SIM Card?

A conventional SIM card is a plastic card that is meant to be fitted into the customer’s mobile devices. These cards bear your phone number as well as other details of the mobile network. They were the standard technology for a long time and involve physical exchange.

Advantages of eSIM

1. Easy Activation and Switching

The activation of eSIM can be done through a QR code scan, or activation code received from a carrier. You do not have to have a physical card while traveling and you can easily change the operator. This makes it a good choice as a way of getting an instant connection during the Paris Olympics. For more information, please go to the link here.

2. Multiple Plan Usage

The eSIM technology enables the user to have different data plans active at the same time. This feature allows you to have work and personal lines on one device. While in Paris for the Olympics, it is still possible to have local as well as international plans. For instance, Pocket eSIM allows to change from one data plan to another when in France. For more information on the packages, please click here.

3. Environmentally Friendly

On this front, eSIM eliminates the use of physical cards hence making it a green solution. It is environmentally friendly since it helps to minimize on the use of plastics hence making it suitable for users who are concerned about the environment.

4. Coverage and Package Options

eSIM providers have a wide network coverage and available with different plans. For example, Pocket eSIM offers competitive plans with full access to Paris and convenient plans to use during your trip. To go back and choose the package, click here.

5. Instant Use

However, eSIM has the advantage of being usable immediately unlike the normal SIM cards which are physical. The activation process is accomplished within minutes either by scanning the QR code or a few steps online process. This guarantees the provision of fast and unintermittent connection especially during events such as the Paris Olympics.

6. Flexible Data Plans

eSIM enables the selection of data plans based on the user’s requirements conveniently. It has several products that cater for customers’ data usage needs in order to ensure that the costs are controlled. For more information on the Pocket eSIM flexible data plans, click here.

Pros and Cons of the Standard SIM Cards

1. Wide Usage Area

These are the standard SIM cards that are popular across the world, and most of the gadgets and service providers use them for connection. However, they need physical swapping which may be a drawback especially when one is on the move.

2. Easy Availability

Normal SIM cards are available at the airport, shops and the outlets of the carriers. Nonetheless, utilization of the different SIM cards in different countries may cause extra expenses and time wastage.

3. Limited Data Plans

The regular SIM cards, as a rule, provide the customers with meager data packages, and the transition to another such package is not easy. In the case of eSIM, one can easily switch between one service provider to another and compare different data plans and select the most appropriate one.

Which Option is Better?

Which one is more suitable for the 2024 Paris Olympics, eSIM or traditional SIM? This depends on the kind of need that one has and the device that is being used. If you are using a contemporary smartphone and care about the freedom of choice, the ecological aspect, and the possibility of activation on the go, then eSIM can be more suitable for you. The large coverage network and cheap tariff plans of Pocket eSIM make the transition to this technology more attractive. To know more, visit this site.

Still, if you own an older generation gadget or you simply like having a physical card, you can opt for the classical SIM cards. They cover a wide area and are backed by many operators in the world.


Each of the options has its benefits. It does not matter if you are going to use the eSIM or the traditional SIM for the 2024 Paris Olympics what matters is that you have to choose the best one. If you are careful while choosing the right plan and provider, you can get connected even when you are on the go.

One can identify several benefits of eSIM technology that makes it possible for the solution to be implemented to suit the needs of today’s travelers. Easy activation, flexible data plans, environmental friendly features, and coverage makes eSIM guarantee internet usage during the Paris Olympics. Pocket eSIM also enhances the choice of this technology with its extensive coverage and cheap tariffs. For more information and to check the packages, please go to the Pocket eSIM website.

On the other hand, the conventional SIM cards remain relevant for those users who are still not conformable with the new technologies or using the old models of the devices. Despite the fact that it is still widely used and easily accessible, traditional SIM cards are still a viable option.

In conclusion, the decision on which of the methods of staying connected will be the best in the course of the 2024 Paris Olympics will enhance the pleasure of the trip and reduce the inconveniences. Choosing the most appropriate plan will ensure that the consumer gets a good and a reliable internet connection.

Download our App for Effortless eSIM Management

Discover the convenience of the Pocket app – effortlessly purchase, manage, and top up your eSIMs anytime, anywhere!

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